Prior to getting involved with Happiness Hub I had not learnt that my life was rich with good fortune, why because I had not counted my blessings, rather on things that were viewed as negative.
It’s noticing and acknowledging the little things in our lives that we never thought about before that makes us realise just how lucky we are. The more you get into this way of thinking the more you will notice the abundance that surrounds you.
What I now acknowledge is the process of celebrating ones good fortune. Why do we not recognise our blessings? That is because we are focused on “why me?”. What does that question, have to do with the way forward?
I guess the biggest thing that I’ve learnt is that we do have some control over happiness. A happy person isn’t someone whose life is wonderful and perfect. Whatever our situation, we can all increase our happiness step-by-step if we learn how to think of our lives in a different way.