I love a good quote, so much so that I’ve got a section of them saved in a photo album on my phone. I forgot they were there until recently when I wanted to send one to a friend and couldn’t find the words myself, so I searched my quote folder and sent a few words of wisdom that I thought would fit the bill. (Whose actual words of wisdom they were is debateable – but that didn’t matter – it was the sentiment I was looking for. Plus it seemed to back-up what I was trying to say!).
In fact, quotes seem to be all around us – we wear them on T-shirts, have them as screen savers or on calendars, you can even buy artwork comprised of quotes on different subjects. I often have quotes stuck to the walls on post-it notes – until they lose their stick and find their way into the bin. The great thing about them is that there seems to be one for most occasions – whether you need a pick-me-up, a little reassurance on a decision that’s been made, or even to motivate yourself to actually get something done. (Especially good if you are a procrastinator like me). So, from the 384 random quotes saved in my photo album, I thought I’d share a few… in no particular order…
“Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck”
Dalai Lama
This is one of my favourite ones – useful when you actually don’t get what you want, and it then gives me an instant boost that perhaps things are going to be alright after all. Especially when I look back on things I thought I’d missed out on at the time, they actually enabled me to do something else later on that was just as good – if not better!
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right”
Henry Ford
This one always reminds me of the power of positive focus. Yes, there are times when the negative creeps in and becomes a big thing in the mind, or I react badly to something that really doesn’t matter that much at all. For me, it brings me back into the present and says – let’s take a step back and try to refocus on what just happened!
“The only impossible journey is the one you never begin”
Tony Robbins
This one I find perfect for those procrastinatory moments, the moments that you doubt you can do something in a certain way or are too overwhelmed by things to actually make something happen. As Del Boy once said, “He who dares, wins.”
So whatever the occasion, and whatever the quote, there’s bound to be a mantra to fit. Whether it’s a quick boost, a little nudge or even if it has some long-lasting effect – ‘if it adds to the good of your happiness and wellbeing, it must be a good thing’ – right? In fact – that’s my quote for the day!
Love it Paul. I love quotes, they so often sum up what you’re trying to say but cannot express.
“we often meet our destiny on the path we choose to avoid it” is one of my favourites. Namasté my friend.