Simple Sunday

Week 6


For our final Simple Sunday, rather than delving into something new, we are simply reflecting back on the past six weeks.

As humans, we have the power to rewire our brain, and through creating certain habits, we allow our brains to form new connections and weaken old.

Therefore, today is about reflecting and choosing just a few things from the Happynesshub at Home that you think you can take forward in your life.

And so, today’s challenge is to return to a handful of the ideas we have explored over the past weeks. Think about the ones that have resonated with you, and make a promise to actively incorporate them into your lifestyle as and when you can.

A Message from Sallyann Keizer, Head of Happiness: 

And so Hubbers, that completes the HappynessHub at Home: Day by Day package. What started out as a reactive package in light of social distancing has turned into a 6 week journey, which together, we have navigated the ups and downs of lockdown. 

You might remember that when this package first launched, it was in memory of my dearest friend Harry Israel Green. Having been a ray of sunshine to me, I hope that this package has emulated optimism and positivity – two key qualities that were central to the wonderful person Harry was. 

Creating this package has been a genuine pleasure, and I do hope that in some way or another, big or small, we have managed to put a smile on your face and remind you that there is light at the end of the tunnel. 

This is not goodbye, it’s a ‘ see you later’. Until then, take care, stay safe and stay well. 

With love, 
