Week 4

Take-Time Tuesday this week is about something that is really helpful whilst in lockdown – creating routine. Whilst we are not leaving the house, it is easy to let simple everyday things slide – getting dressed, exercising, eating regular meals – but these are crucial for our wellbeing.
Routines can be really helpful in reducing stress levels, improving sleep, and encouraging a healthy lifestyle. So let’s get our daily routines up and running and working for us!
“Look for the magic in the daily routine.”
– Lou Barlow
Today’s task is to create a ‘daily schedule’ poster. Take a large sheet of paper, and write down a daily routine for yourself. Remember to include wake-up time, mealtimes, breaks, social time and active time. Once it is finished, put it up somewhere where you will see it regularly and do your best to follow it. As the Happynesshub at Home motto goes, do this ‘day by day’ and before you know it, you might have completed a week, 2 weeks or even a month!
15 minutes+
Take a look at this lovely checklist from Lena Dunham to make sure that you are incorporating lots of positive activities into your daily routine.
1 minute
This article from Headspace provides more info and tips on the importance of routine and how to create one that works for you.
5 minutes