Wednesday Wisdom
Wednesday Wisdom

Welcome to WEDNESDAY WISDOM the day of the week we are dedicating to our thoughts and mind. Right now, we may be finding ourselves in a state of flux with daily newsfeeds being updated by the minute. And so, every Wednesday, with our sprinkling of sourced wisdom, we want to try and just slow things down a little by rooting ourselves in the here and now.

Research has shown that being in the present moment increases the activity in the part of the brain associated with positive emotions. Practicing quietening the mind can be really beneficial, particularly in difficult times – so that is what Wednesdays are for here at the Happynesshub!

“We can’t always change what’s happening around us, but we can change what happens within us.”
– Andy Puddicombe

Week 1
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Week 2
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Week 3
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Week 4
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Week 5
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Week 6
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