Welcome to the happynesshub Forums Happychat Small or large, what acts of kindness have you been getting up to?

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  • CatherineR
    Post count: 19

    Having not left the house today (for those who don’t know, I often work from home) I feel like I need to rack my brain with this one. How can I give to others when I’m not necessarily seeing others? Hmm…

    I’ll be going to a gym class later so if the opportunity arises I’ll hold the door open / put away someone else’s mat; then I have been meaning to send some friends a “Congratulations on your New Home” card for the past couple of months so today seems like the perfect day to finally get around to doing that; but the other three acts…? I’ll have to keep you posted.

    Post count: 2

    This is really tough in London where 99% of people have their eyes glued to some sort of device and don’t even stop to acknowledge others, smile, etc. I find it really depressing actually. Most of us are just walking around like zombies.

    Post count: 19

    Hi Chris, I completely understand. I guess rather than being depressed about it try to think of this as an excellent opportunity for you to be a shining light in the Big Smoke.
    Smile at those you do manage to make eye-contact with. Say “hi” or “morning/afternoon” to someone you walk past. Offer a seat up on the tube, even if it’s not for an elderyly person, pregnant woman, parent with small kids or someone with heavy bags, even if it’s just a Regular Joe. Have a chat to the personn you’re standing behind in a queue. You may get a few weird looks but usually I find people are plesantly surprised by the connection.
    Let me know how you get on!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by CatherineR.
    Post count: 2

    Thanks for the words of encouragement, Catherine. I won’t give up ? I’m just not cut out for city living, but I’ll be stuck here for a while. Will try to make the most of it though. Enjoy the sunshine ?

    Post count: 13

    Hi Chris. I totally get where you’re coming from. I’m definitely not a city person. But I recently asked an American student who’d been visiting what she thought of London and she said “all the people are so friendly compared to back home.” So obviously she’d seen something that we’ve missed. There *are* friendly people out there – we just need to notice them. And maybe we can do our little part to cheer someone up – whether it’s helping them with their shopping or pushchair or giving up a seat on a train.

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