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Heh Catherine and all the Heroes – this one is a funny one. Not so long ago I would have said I was a constant 3 – not good times. I felt like my set level had so drastically plummeted because of circumstance and I really couldn’t change it. Nowadays I would say I drift between a 7 and an 8. But the good thing is this is pretty constant because of all the work rather than as it used to be reacting to something that happened and feeling like I was on a rollercoaster. So I’ve been riding my health issues recently really well and remaining at a 7. I’ve yet to be tested big time on this (my love to all those who are experiencing sadness in their lives currently) but by wish for all of you is that you find an underlying peace which goes beyond our daily happiness. I must share with you all the Pendulum work of the lovely Gerad Kite. For now off to take some more meds and climb under the duvet. Big hugs all. Thank you for Day One everyone. xx