Welcome to the happynesshub Forums Happychat What Are Your Tips for Being Present?

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  • CatherineR
    Post count: 19

    Hi all,

    Being present is a wonderful thing but when we lead busy lives it’s all too easy to let our minds wander: “That was a weird dream.” “Did I remember to send that email?” “What’s for dinner?” “Can’t wait for the weekend!” “Poor Sally for being so ill.”
    All fine thoughts but they’re certainly not in the PRESENT.

    What do you do to quieten your minds, focus and live in the present?

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by CatherineR.
    Post count: 12

    Not easy as we are so used to our minds wandering. I am sure we all notice when we are talking to someone when their concentration lapses and they are not really listening to what we are saying.

    I’ve been told that if I am out to dinner and am not in the present,(perhaps the conversation is boring) I play with the cutlery. Nearly caught myself doing it last night, realised what I was doing and it snapped me right back to being in the moment.

    Post count: 12

    Mindful of trying to be more in the present, I was talking to an elderly neighbour yesterday who if full of local chit chat and instead of thinking about how heavy the shopping was or ‘I have heard this story before’, I realised that when I said goodbye those thoughts hadn’t popped up. on reflection I also enjoyed the conversation much more.

    Post count: 13

    I find being present so hard. My mind is definitely a wandandererer. But someone told me that when you’re trying to focus on the present, what you have to do is try to notice wandering – notice it and then just bring your mind back to the present. And if you keep doing that, you get better with practice. You learn to spot it quicker and re-focus more easily. So that’s what I’m going to try. I hope it works…

    Post count: 13

    Sally’s written a lovely blog this week about the joy of being in the moment.

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