
A long long time ago in a galaxy far, far away……

….Is how one of the greatest screen adventures started. It also filled a generation with the idea that we are surrounded by a life force which surrounds us, can benefit us, guide us and help us live fulfilling and purposeful lives.

My name’s Matt Curtis and those beliefs aren’t too far from how I try to live my life. My life revolves around saving lives. As a Paramedic I’ve been there as the life force has exited the body and been the one that has ensured it has stayed.

Living with my own negative traits has been challenging also. Diagnosed and living with Dysthymia means that I have to constantly remain mindful that I am in control of my own thought processes and ultimately my own happiness. Meditation is a great way in which I can create a calming state of mind to achieve this.

So, as a Happynesshub Hero, I’m looking forward to reading your insights, sharing some of my own and helping us to collectively build up a big toolbox of positivity to benefit from.