I write to you following a week that I’m sure has been full of a mixture of strong emotions for many, and particularly heart-wrenching for those in the US. For me it’s been a rollercoaster of feelings – yet my head and heart have continually returned to a space of love. As events have been unfolding – and for many restricted by isolation and lockdown, frustrations rising – I wanted to share with you one of the things that gave me great hope as it arrived in my inbox this week – a dedication to overcome suffering and violence through a heart-based revolution.

When I was at my retreat in India earlier this year (which I look forward to sharing more about in the future with you!) I was privileged and honoured to share 10 days with 35 global change makers, and 45 amazing volunteers, all ‘love-warriors’ from countries and cultures far and wide. One of us was Nimo Patel, musician, singer-songwriter, human being extraordinaire who shares his creative gifts through selfless service and his non-profit Empty Hands Music. During my time in India we were treated to a number of Nimo’s songs, all of which he gives free of charge with love, as well as a most inspiring performance from some of the under privileged children he supports and creates joy with from the slums of Ahmedabad. Nimo and Empty Hands Music’s mission is to ‘spread seeds of goodness through its music, events & sharings all across the world’, and I was truly inspired by him, his beautiful relationships with the wonderful children I met, and his power to nurture their talents and provide fuel for their lights to shine. So, when one of his songs, We Shall Overcome: Love Will Rise Again arrived in my inbox this week, of course it made me smile, and I clicked on it. I think very apt for these times, hence sharing it with you – and in the words of Martin Luther King Jnr:

“Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.”

Nimo and so many other of my new-found special friends from that retreat were part of the inspiration for launching our lovely children’s offering, Bow-Wowza as a non-profit. This week’s comedic canine film is all about empowering kids (and big kids like me!) to take a minute to calm and come back to the present moment. Our doggos find that when they’re finding it all a bit much, they can master their mood and feel zen again by taking a few deep breaths. Featuring Duke, our most dapper Bow-Wowza friend, children can follow a 2 minute activity where they’ll learn how they can turn this one simple trick into a superpower.

Returning to the breath is a central concept in mindfulness and meditation and just taking a few deep, calm breaths can make the whole world of difference when you’re feeling stressed out, and is one of the easiest but most effective techniques to master. Although for 7 to 11 year olds, I have been doing Duke’s breathing exercise all week, and it for sure has helped. So, see what you think and please do share it with any little ones you know!

I always love hearing from our beautiful Hubber community, and I have found your wonderful words and thoughts even more uplifting in this present time. This week’s Super Saturday contribution is from a new Hubber, Jane, who has written some thoughts on how she has been enjoying gardening throughout lockdown:

“They say it’s the little things that make the difference and in this Corona era I’ve found big joy has developed from tiny beginnings. I’m talking seeds. Tiny little seeds. Some smaller than sprinkles on a cake, some smaller than my smallest fingernail and all of them with great promise. Three months ago our lives changed and for those of us locked down at home unable to leave, we looked to what we did have, instead of looking to what we didn’t have. And instead of running to the shops, many of us ran to our balconies, front yards, back gardens or even ran to our window sills with heightened interest. A space with potential. Potential for recreation, learning, creativity, beauty and joy! We rummaged through our garages and cupboards to find seeds, we ordered off the internet and we left surplus on the doorsteps of our friends and family. Now, this is the amazing thing. If you plant seeds in soil they will grow into seedlings. And if you water seedlings and allow them light they will grow into plants. And if you nurture plants they will grow into flowers and herbs, fruits and vegetables. And produce more seeds. For many of us in the chaos of this Corona world, we have watched a whole amazing cycle of nature and loved every minute. In amongst the daily briefings, grim figures and the sadness of lives lost, we have, in the crumbling of soil and burying of seeds witnessed the green shoots of new life.

In our seeking to stay safe from tragedy many of us have discovered a very basic need in our human spirit to sow, grow and reconnect with nature and its beautiful cycles. And so, life goes on.’

Thank you Jane for this reflective and reassuring contribution. And as always Hubbers, please do keep sending in your thoughts to us via happy@happynesshub.com or through our contact form. Here’s to love, compassion, solidarity and peaceful times ahead.

With love,

Sally x